Thursday, May 10, 2018

Interview with Jen Barrick!

But Thou, O Lord, art a Shield for me; my Glory, and the Lifter up of mine head.

Psalm 3:3

Recently I had the honor and privilege to interview Jen Barrick from HOPEOUTLOUD ministries! She has an amazing, incredible, wow, testimony and I'm sure you'll all be blessed by it!! So without further ado, let's get right into it!

Interview with Jennifer Barrick!

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.   Romans 5:5

 Beth: Hey there Jen! Thanks so much for joining me here today! You're an inspiring person with an amazing story and I'm so excited to share with others what God has done for you today!  To start off can you tell us a little about yourself?

Jen:  My name is Jennifer Barrick. I am 26 years old. I was raised in a Christian family. I have a brother, Joshua who is 22 years old and a Senior at Liberty. I personally love Jesus with all my heart!  He is my best friend and guide. He truly directs and leads me every day. In my spare time, I enjoy reading my Bible, singing praise songs, having dinner as a family, going on walks, coloring pictures, doing my brain therapy and spending time with friends. 

Beth: Oh cool! So, on November 5th, 2006, a terrible thing happened. Can you share with us about that?

November 5th was truly a Great Day! My brother Josh and my Dad had just won a baseball game and they were rushing home that night to hear me sing in church with my high school choir. Both of my grandparents where attending and we were looking forward to an awesome night. My Grandpa, Ed Hindson, preached that night on the book of Revelation and it was truly a night of HOPE. I know personally God moved and spoke to my heart so greatly during the concert! On our way home my family was hit head-on by a drunk driver going over 80 miles per hour. We all suffered various injuries. I suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in the hospital for over 3 months. I was in a coma for five to six weeks. 

Beth: Can you tell what you did that was so 

amazing and special while you were still in a coma in the hospital? 

Jen: During my coma, I knew nothing but the Lord. He was truly my Comfort, Strength, and Healer. I would talk to Him for hours according to my friends and family that stayed with me.

Beth:  That is literally amazing! So at an early age you had already developed a deep love for the Lord. What made you make the decision to seek Him?

Jen: My family has always put God first and made Him a big priority. My Mom and Dad raised me to love the Lord and to hide away scripture in my heart.

Beth: So cool!  What was the recovery process like?  In what ways has God just utterly worked in your life and healed you?

Jen: In order to get a response from me you had to connect to my spiritual side. For example, in the hospital when I was relearning how to walk I did not respond to my therapists commands. My Mom had the idea to quote the books of the Bible. To each book I took a step. Prior to my accident I was a very introverted person. I was begging God for BOLDNESS. Since my brain injury, God has given me the ability to boldly tell the world about Him and His Love. 

Beth: Wow Praise Him!  What ministry has come out of this? How did God turn it around for good?

Jen: Through our accident Hope Out Loud was born. God has used us to reach thousands and share the Hope found in Him. As a result, God has given us a platform for Him as a family!

Beth: Amazing! Can you tell us a little bit about your mother's book about your story and the books you have written?

Jen: All of our books point to Christ. My Mom writes on what it is like from a Mother’s perspective.   In my Mom’s book, Beauty Marks, she teaches about forgiveness, restoration, and trusting in the Lord alone. She shares stories about what it is like during my recovery and God’s Miracles through my continuing healing.

Beth: That’s wonderful! What is your biggest desire to do for the Lord right now?

My biggest desire is to not miss one plan that God has for me and to share with the world what He has done and who He is!!

Beth: That’s amazing! Hallelujah! Thanks so much for joining us Jen! Keep inspiring people with your testimony! You're doing amazing things for God's kingdom! 



As Jen said in the interview, The Barrick family have a ministry. I’ve watched a lot of their videos and they are powerful! Their ministry is totally worth checking out!
You can check out their website at or their Facebook page, @HopeOutLoud! On Facebook you can join their online Bible study, and the videos stay available to watch whenever you can! On their website they sell their books and beautiful jewelry, all kinds of classy things. Their YouTube is also definitely worth checking out!

They seek to give God complete glory for their ministry!

And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
             Mark 16:15


  1. Wow! Her testimony is truly amazing!!! Only God!! A beautiful interview and a beautiful story of God's restoring, healing power!!!!
    PRAISE GOD!!!!!

    1. Praise God!! Yes it is!!! Amen!! Praise Jesus!!

  2. This is an amazing interview!!!!

  3. Wow! This is an amazing testimony! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to take a look at their books and website. ;)

    1. Yes!! Praise God!! Thank YOU for reading!! Oh do that!!

    2. Thanks for reading!! Oh def do that!!

  4. This interview was amazing, so awesome! She has such a testimony! :)

  5. What a testimony! So inspiring to read! Thank you for sharing!


Welcome! I'm excited to hear what's on your heart!!